Composting: Whether You Have Lots of Space or Just a Kitchen

Many people are looking for ways to reduce their food scrap waste and composting is a common practice. You do not have to have a huge backyard to compost either. There are so many options for composting from big to small. There are so many tips and tricks to composting and we have compiled some of that information into this post. 

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, recycling and composting rates have increased 30 percent since the 1960s. In addition, landfilling of waste has decreased from 94 percent of the amount generated in 1960 to 50 of the amount generated currently. However, our rates of waste generation have steadily increased over time, meaning how we manage our waste is still important and arguably even more important than it was before. The more waste accumulated, the less space available to put it and the more we are filling our planet with trash. 

What are the benefits of composting? 

Minimizing Food Waste 

Food waste is one of the categories of waste and trash that we throw out and put in our landfills. There are many ways to reduce waste, but sometimes it is easiest to focus on one way at a time, so we do not get overwhelmed. One nice part about composting is you are typically in charge of your compost pile, so you know exactly where your waste is going and how much waste you are keeping from throwing out. Recycling can be frustrating because you do not know for sure how much of the materials you recycle are actually recycled or reused. As MSNW, our janitors take out the recycling, the compost and the trash, so we see firsthand just how much waste is thrown out and how beneficial composting really is.

Free Plant Fertilizer 

Compost is a great idea if you already have a garden or are planning to start one. You can use the compost in your soil to add nutrients that your plants will love. 

Conserve Resources 

Your food and garden waste now has a new purpose and can be used anew. And while you cannot compost everything, you can compost a large percentage of foods and plant trimmings. 

How Should I Compost if I Have Lots of Space and a Big Garden? 

Purchase a large compost bin or make one yourself with wood that has a lot of air holes and the space to easily turn the materials. Composting does have some drawbacks, including potential bad smells and upkeep. You need to turn the compost fairly often so that it can break up properly and become the soil that you want at the end of the day. There are some bins available for purchase online or at your local hardware store that make turning your compost much more doable if you do not want to labor over your compost bin every other day. These bins typically have a turning handle.  

Do Not Put These in Your Compost Bin: 

Foods with a High Acid Content Such as Citrus 

Meat and Milk Products 

Baked Goods 

Treated Sawdust 

Oils and Greasy Foods 

Pet or Human Waste 


Your Composting Timeline 

This is up to you. You can quickly compost in 21 days with consistent turnings or let it be for three to 12 months with minimal turning. This all depends on your goals. If you are okay with having compost pile up and take up space then, take your time and spend your efforts on other matters in your life. However, if you have specific goals for when you want to use your compost or for how much space you want it to take up, create a schedule for turning that matches your needs. 

How Should I Compost if I Have a Small Space and No Backyard? 

There are many small indoor compost bins that make it easy for anyone to start a compost bin. You can pick up a simple canister and be able to participate in composting even without the giant bins. As opposed to outdoor composting, be careful not to expose waste to the air because it attracts fruit flies and other pests. Follow the above list for what you do not want to put in your compost bin, outdoor or indoor.  

Overall, composting is possible for nearly anyone, even if you do not have any outdoor space available. You know you are doing a good thing for the planet and that is what makes composting worth the effort. 


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