Say Goodbye to Weeds

Weeds can so easily get out of hand and become an annoying presence in any yard. Not only is weeding hard work, but it can also feel so pointless when weeds inevitably grow back again and again. At MSNW, we like to save time and money by killing weeds in the most effective way we know how — before they start to grow. 

If you are wondering, what do the experts do when it comes to killing weeds for good, there are several tips and tricks up our sleeve that we’ll share right here with you. 


Maybe you’ve heard of this weed preventer, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve been stuck pulling weeds without realizing there are more effective ways to manage them. Pre-emergent is an herbicide that effectively prevents weeds from growing in the first place. It is sprayed on an area and creates a barrier between the soil and more growth. Weeds will not thrive in this environment. Pre-emergent should be applied twice a year in the early spring and the early fall, so it had fairly long-term effectiveness. Yes, you must pull any currently growing weeds before applying the pre-emergent. Pre-emergent does not kill weeds already growing out of the soil. It only prevents extra work later on.


Why do so many places have bark mulch on the ground you ask? Well, because it is an excellent weed growth preventer. Mulch is effective because it inhibits the seed from accessing direct sunlight, therefore it is losing one of the most essential things it needs to grow. Seeds cannot germinate without sunlight available to them. In addition, when the mulch layer is adequately thick, weed seeds cannot reach the soil to start growing. Without soil, seeds have nowhere to grow their roots and therefore never become weeds in the first place.


Sometimes, yes, despite our best efforts, weeds still grow, and sometimes that means getting dirty and pulling weeds out ourselves. Consider waiting until after it rain so the soil is soft. Pull weeds with intention by pulling at the base to reveal the entire root or as much of the root as possible so the weed doesn’t grow back. Try not to let weeds grow too big because once they seed, you will have an even bigger weed problem on your hands. 

No Water, No Problem.

Weeds love water. They are plants just the same as many other plants and they rely on moisture to survive and thrive. Consider using drip irrigation instead of sprinklers to localize where water is being used. Sprinklers are great except for that small inconvenience of watering what does not need to be watered in addition to what does. Check your sprinklers to make sure they are only watering what you want them to water because that could be a reason for your weed overgrowth.

Landscape Fabric.

Be careful with this option. Weeds can attach themselves to the landscape fabric if there are too many inches of mulch over the top. Landscape fabric can also cause the mulch to easily slip off it if it’s windy or on a slope. Landscape fabric seems like a simple option but it may become annoying as well if mulch shifts and it’s exposed.

Good luck preventing your weeds from growing, we know you can do it!


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